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Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions Book: Black Legion | Frontline Gaming
Dec 04, · Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions is a page, full-colour softback supplement to Codex: Chaos Space Marines. It contains a wealth of additional content and rules that any Chaos Space Marines army can use, with a huge array of rules for all nine of the Traitor Legions. Traitor Legion Loyalists are the rare few Space Marines who, despite hailing from the Traitor Legions, stayed loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium, proving that despite what some characters in 40k think, having geneseed from a suspect source is no sure indicator of bad character. Dec 18, · Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions Book: Black Legion They may choose artifacts from either the Chaos Space Marine or Traitor Legions codex. such as Oldhammer, that only allow a CAD. Being able to choose artifacts from both this supplement and the Chaos Space Marine Codex is also helpful if you prefer something from their instead.

Traitor legions supplement pdf download
The Traitor Legions are comprised of the original 9 Space Marine Legions that betrayed their oaths of loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind during the ancient civil war called the Horus Heresy more than 10, standard years ago.
The Traitor Legions were led by the Warmaster Horus Lupercalonce a Primarch of the Imperium and the Emperor's most trusted friend, son, and adviser before he was corrupted by the promises and lies of the Dark Gods and his own inner flaws.
The Traitor Legions are the most powerful component of the Forces of Chaos. The flesh and Power Armour of these Heretic Astartes warped and twisted into new, darker and inhuman traitor legions supplement pdf download under the influence of the Chaos energies they were exposed to, and came to embody the corrupted Astartes' new allegiance. Following their defeat during the final epic confrontation, known as the Battle of Terrathe Emperor pronounced judgement upon the Traitor Legions.
They were declared Excommunicate Traitoris, traitor legions supplement pdf download. Most of the remnants of the 9 Traitor Legions fled, along with the other Traitor Imperial forces that now served Chaos, chased by the Loyalist Astartes Legions into an area of the galaxy where the Warp bled into realspacecreating the permanent Warp Storm known as the Eye of Terror. Due to the nature of Chaos, and the temporal instability of the Warp, many of the very same Chaos Space Marines who revolted against the Emperor more than 10 millennia ago continue to fight their Long War against the Imperium today, having effectively been granted a tortured immortality by the will of the Ruinous Powers.
Please note: Fan-created Chapters must be posted at the Warhammer 40, Homebrew Wiki and not on this page. A separate list also exists for Loyalist Space Marine Chapters. Renegade Chapters are generally made up of Chaos Space Marines whose Chapters or companies turned to Chaos after the end of the Horus Heresysometimes many millennia later. Some are not whole Chapters but simply warbands composed of a few tens or hundreds of Astartes drawn from the same original source and led by a charismatic commander or Chaos Lord.
However, several of the Renegades listed here are simply Space Marine Chapters that have turned on the Imperium of Man or been unfairly declared Excommunicate Traitoris for one reason or another, but still traitor legions supplement pdf download themselves as loyal to the Emperor of Mankind and not to the corrupt edifice of the Imperium His servants have built over the last 10, years. These types of Renegade Chapters are certainly no friends of Chaos or the other enemies of Mankindthough their lack of allies can often lead even the best-intentioned Renegades down the ultimate path of corruption to the willing worship of the Dark Powersif traitor legions supplement pdf download to secure their own survival when they are beset on all sides by enemies, traitor legions supplement pdf download.
Through the passing of the centuries since the Horus Heresy, the Forces of Chaos have been further swelled by those Space Marines who have turned from service to the Emperor of Mankind to pursue their own agendas. Freed from Imperial dogma and traditions of their Chapter, these so-called Renegade Space Marines fully indulge the needs of their superhuman bodies and their militant minds.
They most often become corsairs, pirates and mercenaries, using their unparalleled combat skills to garner wealth and power for themselves, rising as tyrannical masters of pirate fleets and the masters of desolate frontier worlds.
As they explore their new freedom from the discipline and strict purpose of the Adeptus Astartesthese Space Marines inevitably turn at some point to the Chaos Gods to gain more power to do as traitor legions supplement pdf download will. From this point on, they are fated to walk the path of the Chaos Champion as much as any of the original Traitors of the Horus Heresy.
These Renegades are hunted men -- loathed by all the other Space Marine Chapters, who consider it their foremost duty before the Emperor to destroy any Renegade Astartes lest their vile shame and dishonour leave a black stain upon all the Loyalist Space Marines who have never turned their face from the light of the Emperor or their duty to Mankind for their own selfish gain.
Though never equal in size or power to the original Legiones Astartesa modern Space Marine Chapter is a potent military force in its own right and when an entire Chapter turns Renegade it presents a grave threat to the Imperium. With all the resources of a Space Marine Chapter at their disposal, the Renegades of Chaos destroy Imperial armies, conquer Imperial worlds and despoil whole Sectors of the Imperium. Such events warrant an extreme response from the Imperial forces, not to mention the other, Loyalist Space Marine Chapters.
It is perhaps the greatest test of faith for a Space Marine to fight another Astartes and these internecine conflicts often have a terrible effect on other nearby Chapters.
Traitor legions supplement pdf download these circumstances, such inter-Chapter wars tend to escalate quickly, engulfing many worlds with bloodshed. On occasion, those forces sent to deal with the Renegade Chapter may actually end up, in whole or in part, becoming corrupted and joining with those they were sent to destroy, just as happened to many among the Traitor Legions so long ago.
An example of just such an outcome infamously took place in the 34 th Millennium during the Obscuran Uprisings, traitor legions supplement pdf download. During the curse of Terran years of anarchic separatist rebellions that shook much of the Segmentum Obscurusat least 7 Loyalist Space Marine Chapters broke their oaths to the Emperor and took part in the looting and pillaging of hundreds of these Imperial worlds.
Of these Chapters, 2 of them, the Sons of Vengeance and the Silver Guards -- had at first fought on the side of the Imperium but turned Renegade after their vicious retaliatory actions against the rebel Free Council of Hannedra II.
It is believed these Chapters found great freedom in unleashing their full wrath at Hannedra II and they soon gave up any pretense of serving the Emperor in subsequent brutal actions unleashed across the Segmentum, traitor legions supplement pdf download. Each of the 9 Astartes Traitor Legions fights using a different style of warfare that is defined by their Legion's culture and nature; also, 4 of the 9 -- the Emperor's Childrenthe World Eatersthe Thousand Sons and the Death Guard -- are dedicated specifically to the service of 1 of the 4 major Chaos GodsSlaaneshKhorneTzeentch and Nurglerespectively.
The other 5 Traitor Legions essentially serve the interests of all of the Ruinous Powers collectively in the form of Chaos Undivided. The rot spread quickly through the Legion, and the Emperor's Children embraced Chaos, particularly the Prince of Pleasure, in all its depravity. Little trace can now be seen of the original armour and equipment of the Emperor's Children, covered as it is by skins of iridescent fur or scales, traitor legions supplement pdf download, jewels, or the fantastical renderings of screaming faces or rutting beasts.
The Emperor's Children fight for sensation and sensory overload, bringing a clashing cacophony of sound, colour, and energy to the battlefield. The Iron Traitor legions supplement pdf download once formed the Emperor's legion of siege troops.
They fought on a hundred worlds in the Great Crusade, laying siege to alien citadels and the palaces of Heretics with equal gusto. The Iron Warriors Primarch, Perturaboexcelled in the arts of siege and trench warfare above all else, and his treatise on fortifications and their reduction formed the basis of several sections of the Tactica Imperialis.
The Iron Warriors betrayed the Emperor on Istvaan V, their mazes traitor legions supplement pdf download bunkers and razor wire becoming a death trap for their Loyalist brethren instead of the sanctuary they promised to be.
The Iron Warriors wear relatively unadorned armour that is commonly pieced together from the older marks for its heavier frontal protection. They favour heavy weaponry like Lascannons or Missile Launchers for long-range engagements, although well-equipped Iron Warriors Assault Squads are also rightly feared.
Curze believed in the use of terror as a weapon and his foes quickly learned to fear the night. The Night Lords were one of the first Legions to join Horus' rebellion, turning on what they saw as a weak-willed Emperor incapable of having the strength to lead. Even after Horus' defeat the Night Lords have continued to wage an unremitting campaign of terror against the Imperium.
The Night Lords refuse to follow any of the Chaos Gods, and have become cynical, hard-bitten, and frighteningly ruthless warriors. They fight for the pleasure of it, and for the material rewards it can traitor legions supplement pdf download, and not for the worship of traitor legions supplement pdf download deity.
Under the Primarch Angronthe World Eaters underwent psycho-surgery that transformed an already fierce legion into bloodthirsty berserkers through the use of cortical implants known as the Butcher's Nails traitor legions supplement pdf download on their Primarch's homeworld of Nuceria. When they betrayed the Imperium, it was of little surprise that the vast majority dedicated themselves to Khorne. However, any member traitor legions supplement pdf download the World Eaters is likely to be bloodthirsty and violent.
As is fitting to their patron God, the World Eaters wear armour as red as arterial blood, edged with brass and decorated with skulls and symbols of Khorne.
Most disdain long-ranged warfare, preferring to close with the enemy to kill them with ChainaxePower Swordtraitor legions supplement pdf download, and if need be Bolt Pistols. The Death Guard followed Horus into heresy, their sense of loyalty to their Warmaster and their Primarch, Mortariontriumphing over their duty to the Emperor on distant Terra.
A mysterious, traitor legions supplement pdf download, unstoppable contagion spread through the trapped fleet, putrefying all it touched. Mortarion himself became infected and in his delirium he called upon the Powers of Chaos to aid his Space Marines. Mortarion's fevered ravings were answered by Nurgleand Mortarion became Nurgle's foremost mortal Chaos Champion and eventually his Daemon Prince. The Death Guard survived but they continue to bear the marks of Nurgle's first blessings upon them.
Their once-white armour became stained and cracked where the bubbling foulness of their mortal bodies has erupted to the surface. They bear the three-lobed mark of Nurgle rendered as flies or rotting heads upon banners and shoulder guards.
Their Bolters and Chainswords are caked with filth and rust but are no less deadly. Plague and contagion have become the Death Guard's primary weapons and they can be found anywhere in the galaxy spreading Nurgle's foul blessings. The path to damnation for the Thousand Sons Legion of Space Marines was longer than most, but its final plunge more complete than any.
Even before the Horus Heresy the Sons' cyclopean Primarch Magnus the Red led his sons in the study of arcane lore and the practice of sorcery despite the Emperor's disapproval and the outright ban on such practices at the Council of Nikaea. When Horus gathered his forces, traitor legions supplement pdf download, the Thousand Sons tried to use their occult powers to warn the Emperor of the Warmaster's betrayal. Disastrously the Emperor was mistrustful of anything tinged by Chaos such as the use of psychic sorcery that He had expressly forbidden at Nikaea and He declared traitor legions supplement pdf download Thousand Sons Primarch to be taken captive and brought back to Terra for his disobedience.
To survive and protect their accumulated wisdom, the Thousand Sons sought the patronage of the Chaos Power Tzeentchthe Changer of the Ways, greatest master of magic among the Chaos Gods, traitor legions supplement pdf download.
During the terrible battle known as the Burning of ProsperoTzeentch transported Magnus and his surviving sons to the Daemon World in the Eye of Terror called the Planet of the Sorcerers. The surviving Thousand Sons have been split by internal schisms, their pursuit of occult knowledge estranging them from each other and even their cyclopean Primarch.
A cabal of renegade Sorcerers led by their former Chief Librarian Ahriman unleashed a great magic upon the Legion to prevent further mutation and corruption of its members by Chaos. Traitor legions supplement pdf download Rubric of Ahriman however reduced most of the Thousand Sons to soulless suits of animated armour known as Rubric Marinesbut left the surviving Sorcerers unmatched in power. The Black Legion is the only Traitor Legion to have changed its name in its ten thousand years of exile.
The Emperor subsequently allowed His favoured son Horus to rename the Legion the " Sons of Horus " in recognition of its accomplishments in the Ullanor Crusade and in honour of its Primarch.
The Sons of Horus willingly followed their beloved Primarch and Warmaster into rebellion, fighting at the very forefront of his most important campaigns. When Horus was defeated by the Emperor at the Battle of Terrathe Legion's morale was shattered; their patron, their father, was gone. After the battle for the Imperial Palace the Sons of Horus renamed themselves the Black Legion, changing their Legion colours to black in memory and mourning of their fallen Primarch.
They gave themselves to the worship of one Chaos Power after another and lost many of their number through possession and madness. The hardened survivors lead warbands against the Imperium to this day, still eager to expunge the bitter memory of Horus' defeat. LorgarPrimarch of the Word Bearers Legion, was a scrupulous and dedicated follower of the Imperial Culttraitor legions supplement pdf download, and in many ways was the founder of the religion of Emperor-worship called the Lectitio Divinitatus that would one day become the Adeptus Ministorum, traitor legions supplement pdf download.
He led his XVII Legion in the building of vast monuments and immense rituals during the Great Crusade to secure the faith of those that were conquered in the God-Emperor. The Emperor rejected Lorgar's efforts however, telling him that He needed His Space Marines to fight and serve the secular Imperial Truth which disdained all religion and superstition, not worship Him, traitor legions supplement pdf download.
Lorgar's disillusionment with the Emperor's impiety drove him to worship of the Chaos Powers during the Pilgrimage of Lorgar undertaken some 43 standard years before the start of the Horus Heresy, entities that truly demanded worship and sacrifice from their followers. When Horus raised his banner the Word Bearers, who had largely driven Horus into corruption by Chaos from behind the scenes, eagerly followed him into rebellion along with a thousand hidden Chaos Cults they had established on the worlds they had brought into Imperial Compliance in the last days of the Great Crusade.
The Word Bearers' fanatical zealotry has become dedicated to the worship of Chaos in its purest form, traitor legions supplement pdf download, unadulterated by the veneration of any particular Chaos Power over the others.
They are the only Traitor Legion that still maintains the rank of Chaplainthe darkly twisted individuals holding this office now known as Dark Apostles and leading their brethren in heretical prayers and insane catechisms. Immense cathedrals and rune-etched monuments still rise in the wake of the Word Bearers' conquests, but now they are blasphemous dedications to the glory that is Chaos.
The Alpha Legion strove hard to outshine its brethren in all things and traitor legions supplement pdf download its worthiness to be among the older Legions. The war-lust of the Alpha Legion easily led them into heresy when Horus declared himself against the Emperor, traitor legions supplement pdf download, though some legends say that the Alpha Legion secretly remains loyal to the Emperor in perhaps the greatest of the many deceptions and ploys it has worked.
Here at last was their chance to prove themselves against opponents just as tough, as battle hardened, and ferocious as themselves. The Alpha Legion did much to ravage the Eastern Fringe during the Heresy, pursuing its own set of objectives far from Terra. In the ten millennia since they have continued to strike from bases hidden all over the galaxy.
Unusually the Alpha Legion actively cultivates Chaos Cultists and rebels, multiplying their impact many times over. The Inquisition holds a special loathing for the Alpha Legion for their part in spreading Chaos Cults traitor legions supplement pdf download fanning the embers of heresy into the raging fires of outright rebellion. These are only select sources; please see each Chaos Space Marine warband's or Renegade Chapter's individual page for a complete and more accurate listing.
Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Categories :. Alive Daemon Prince Currently banished to the Warp. Traitor Chaos Undividedtraitor legions supplement pdf download, possibly still Loyal. It was once led by the Chaos Lord Abrial Shard, who traitor legions supplement pdf download control of the warband to the exiled Iron Warriors Warsmith Balduran during that campaign.
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Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions is a Codex supplement for the 7th Edition of Warhammer 40, It contains background and rules for the Chaos Space Marine Legions. Description. The Traitor Legions of the Chaos Space Marines have waged terrible wars of hate and vengeance upon the Imperium of Mankind for ten thousand years. Night Lords "Show your enemy mercy and he shall one day seek vengeance upon you for every petty, imagine slight. Mercy is therefore a weakness; a crime waiting to be born. Dec 18, · Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions Book: Black Legion They may choose artifacts from either the Chaos Space Marine or Traitor Legions codex. such as Oldhammer, that only allow a CAD. Being able to choose artifacts from both this supplement and the Chaos Space Marine Codex is also helpful if you prefer something from their instead.
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