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Ghost Story Audiobook Free (The Dresden Files, #13) - Download & listen

The long-awaited second anthology of Dresden Files short stories, presented in audiobook format. Performed by James Marsters. Available as a digital download from Dangerous Women. Audio Book. The Dresden Files (Read About It Here!) Contains "Bombshells," a Molly-POV novella set between Ghost Story and Cold Days. Edited by. So when Ghost Story: A Novel of the Dresden Files, Book 13, was narrated by someone other than series regular James Marsters, some listeners were disappointed. We're happy to report that Ghost Story has since been re-recorded with the inimitable Marsters at the helm - and, since you're a fan of this series, we want you to have it free. Nov 25,  · Benedict Cumberbatch Reads Sherlock Holmes' Rediscovered Railway Stories Audiobook Full Ghost Story - Duration James Marsters talks about recording Dresden Files - .

the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download

The dresden files ghost stories james marsters download

James was superb. Whose idea was it to approach James and why did you feel he was the one for the job? How did you sell him or his manager on the idea? I knew within the first paragraph that this was the kind of a visual that a gifted narrator could sink his teeth into.

I tracked down the first book, Storm Frontgave both to my partner, and by the next day we both had decided this was a series that we really wanted to record. Why James Marsters? He was right. James Marsters was that something special. I was curious about his back ground and found that he had an enormous body of work in the theatre which meant to us that he would likely have the sheer stamina to do an unabridged novel.

He also had a fabulous voice and appeared to be both gifted and disciplined. As to selling the idea to his manager, I think Steve Himber understood how brilliant James was and while this was a very small project, it did give an opportunity for the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download who only knew him as an English-accented vampire to hear some of his range.

How many Red Bulls does he go through during the course of a session? JW: His discipline and focus are a match for his energy. Basically, he channels all that energy into the work with a singularly diamond edged focus. Red Bull? Lots of water.

JW: For the most part, he remembers how he portrayed the characters from the earlier work but there are so MANY characters that we did have a few tracks available to refresh his recollection.

After hearing just a few words he would catch the nuances and be off and running. He seems to be more comfortable with the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download process now. His readings have become more fluid over time.

He always cared about hitting the right emotional mark for each passage but now it seems nearly effortless. Does he have a "process?

For example, does he do a quick read through first, or does he do it "cold? Does he listen to playback before continuing to the next section? He is able to get into the work with amazing speed. Headphones are optional. It can help a narrator keep track of the sound of their own voice while recording but James has little need or no need of it at this point of time. He acts with his entire body, but being in a tiny booth and restricted to a chair, there are some constraints.

The dresden files ghost stories james marsters download voices? Emotional moments? Capturing the humor? He seems to live them and feels the blows that Harry experiences. What are your impressions of how it went? James is brilliant but he is only one human being, or is he? His ability to create voices on the spot and give each character a different delivery never ceases to amaze me.

The recording sessions went very, very well. Can you describe the actual process of how it comes about from the time you step into the LA studio until it's available for purchase? The studio we work with does a lot of movie work, mostly finishing touches as well as commercials, MTV videos and of course, audio books. Within the studio is a very small.

The walls and door are thick and soundproof. As the door closes you can hear a thwumping sound and then the narrator is sealed in. The mike is sensitive enough to pick up a rumble in a stomach or the sound of shifting in a chair. Sound checks are done and a small warm-up of a few lines or a paragraph with a feedback so that James can be certain of how it is sounding before things begin in earnest.

After that there are three sets of ears listening to the narrator. If something is questionable one can signal the narrator by hitting the red button and asking him to go over the word or sentence.

Occasionally a narrator will change the words but not the meaning of a sentence if it simply sounds wrong when read aloud. First there is editing. This involves the very delicate balancing act of taking out some sounds that might distract a listener but leaving in enough to allow for a feel of intimacy and immediacy, as well as the removal of mistakes made by either the narrator, sound engineer or yes, even us. As the book is being edited chapters are forwarded to Buzzy where we listen to see if there is anything the editor has missed.

This flies back and forth for quite some time. Then comes the choice of packaging, design, the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download, and manufacture. This involves both commercial artists and, last but not least, the factory. They have spoken to each other once or twice but nothing beforehand to my knowledge. For example, if Jim hears a section and really thinks it's "off" does James go back and redo it?

Jim trusts our judgment and I hope we have not disappointed him. Can you tell us a bit more about that story? At least the Harry Dresden of the books. Do you see that impacting the work that James does? People who see the TV series will hopefully go on to read and listen to the books. No joke. Then things like how is he to work with, how long does it take to record. What about preorders? Are they available for MP3 players and Ipods? We have them available in CD-MP3 editions. MP3 audio books on compact disc can be played on CD players that support MP3 technology and on any personal computer that has Microsoft's Media Player or similar software.

They are not available on Itunes. We are planning on posting the first 3 chapters on the net for FREE download, the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download. The Buzzy Multimedia team was generous enough to send a couple of photographs of James at the studio with the following comment: " The recording went very well. Sincere thanks to June for taking the time to talk to us, the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download.

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Jim Butcher Interview - Ghost Story

, time: 18:40

The dresden files ghost stories james marsters download

the dresden files ghost stories james marsters download

Jul 17,  · I just read Ghost Story in text form and it worked fine. Read it slowly and imagine James Marsters's voice in your head if you'd like:) The short stories are worthwhile if you can find them in either audiobook or text format - in particular, the short story collection Side Jobs concludes with a novella called "Aftermath" that takes place in the immediate aftermath of Changes and is told from. Nov 25,  · Benedict Cumberbatch Reads Sherlock Holmes' Rediscovered Railway Stories Audiobook Full Ghost Story - Duration James Marsters talks about recording Dresden Files - . The long-awaited second anthology of Dresden Files short stories, presented in audiobook format. Performed by James Marsters. Available as a digital download from Dangerous Women. Audio Book. The Dresden Files (Read About It Here!) Contains "Bombshells," a Molly-POV novella set between Ghost Story and Cold Days. Edited by.

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